Buon Giorno, Amici! Come state? (Good Day, Friends! How Are Y'all?)
It is a beautiful, partly cloudy day here, and the temperature is about 17 degrees (Celsius). That's 62 degrees for us non-metric people. I'm trying to become more familiar with metric measures. You would think it would be simple, after I spent all those years telling my fifth graders that metric is so much easier to figure out. I think maybe I was lying...or like so many other things I am learning the hard way, it's a little trickier than I thought. I have a couple of touchpoints like 0 is freezing and 37 is body temperature, but anywhere in between I'm totally lost. I saw a formula that said to take the Celsius temperature, multiply it by 9/5, and add 32 degrees. Multiplying by fractions in a two-step story problem has become my life. It's a good thing I taught the F-word (fractions) in fifth grade. :) Seriously, it's a good thing my phone can figure out anything.
We have had pretty nice weather so far, which was especially appreciated when we had no heat! Two or three days ago I woke up to a cool foggy morning.
What a beautiful picture! Snowy here, we got about 4 inches today. So tomorrow morning I will shiver and wish I was in Rome!