Monday, June 27, 2022

I had fresh figs right off the tree!

 Last night, we attended an evening function sponsored by a couple who are workers in the Rome Temple to thank the Temple presidency, the Matron, and her assistants, who are about to be released. It was at the members' home about 50 minutes outside of Rome. When we arrived, it was clear that there were quite a few fruit trees on the property.  Having grown up on the remnants of a fruit tree orchard, I was interested to see what his yard produced.  He had apricot trees, prickly pears, mandarins, oranges, olives, and a huge fig tree.  

I've seen fig trees growing; but never had the chance to pick and eat them right off the tree.  The first time I ate a fresh fig was in Venice, Italy, nearly 50 years ago.  It was the same color as a granny smith apple. The next time I had fresh figs, they came from California; and instead, those were purple. 

The figs on this tree were again green in color but ripe and juicy. I ate three or four last night and they were the same size as jumbo avocados.  We had purchased some at the grocery store on Saturday--but they aren't at all as tasty, and only half the size. Here's a photo of the ones from the store. 

In keeping with new food experiences, Robyn had rabbit for the first time today at lunch.  I had ravioli but Robyn's dish was far better than my plate. They came in three sections with sage, potato and a small salad of tomatoes and lettuce.

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