Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Visit from the Parish Priest

The local Catholic Priest came by yesterday to bless our apartment for Easter. My kids wanted to know if someone turned us in, but it's an annual tradition to visit all the homes and bless them.  

We got a letter in the mail a couple of days ago telling us that he would be coming Monday the 14th between 5 and 8 PM. 

I wasn't sure how it worked, and so he walked me through it. There is a prayer on the reverse of the card that I was supposed to read. He asked me if I could read Italian and I said I could. (I think I can read Italian out loud much better than I can speak extemporaneously.) I read it, he added a couple of comments, and then said, "Now you recite an 'Ave Maria.'"  I said I didn't know it by heart because I'm not Catholic.  He was a little surprised and asked me what my religion was. I told him and he said, "Oh, then we give you a different blessing."  

He got out his aspergillum--that's a device for sprinkling holy water--and walked around flipping holy water on the various rooms and stairs and saying a very nice prayer--and then he got me in the face with some for good measure. Robyn wasn't able to participate because she was in the middle of her weekly Italian lesson in the bedroom. 

I thoroughly enjoyed it. If I remember and have the time, I'll append the prayer from the card with my translation if anyone is interested to see it. Right now, Robyn and I are leaving to do some tourist things. We'll be back later this evening.

Parrocchia San Domenico di Guzman

Preghiamo San Giuseppe

Salve, custode del Redentore,

e sposo della Vergine Maria.

A te Dio affidò il suo Figlio;

in te Maria ripose la sua fiducia;

con te Cristo diventò uomo.

O Beato Giuseppe,

mostrati padre anche per noi,

e guidaci nel cammino della vita.

Ottienici grazia, misericordia e coraggio,

e difendici da ogni male. Amen.

Padre nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria...

La benedizione di Dio Onnipotente, Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo discenda su di voi e con voi rimanga sempre.


Parish of Saint Dominic of Guzman

We pray Saint Joseph

Greetings, caretaker of the Redeemer,

and spouse of the virgin Mary.

God entrusted his Son to you

Mary placed in you her confidence;

with you, Christ became a man.

Oh blessed Joseph,

Show that you are a father as well to us,

and guide us in the path of life.

Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage,

and defend us from every ill. Amen

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory…The blessing of God omnipotent, Father, Son and Holy Spirit descend on you and remain with you forever.

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