Wednesday, March 16, 2022

 Mi Dispiace! I use this one a lot to apologize, since it means I'm sorry. Literally, it means "It displeases me". Three weeks have flown by and I haven't blogged once. Thankfully, Almer has been writing lots of funny things that have been happening. 

Do you remember Nicoletta, the cute Italian girl that lived with us for a year? She is married with two darling little boys and they were living with her mom in Trieste when we got to Rome. They decided to try living in Rome, hoping for better job opportunities for Brian and a larger ward. They rented an apartment in the same complex as ours and started all the business of ordering a kitchen and all their light fixtures and furniture. I got to be a grandma (nonna) for a few weeks and it was awesome. Noisy but awesome :) Sometime during those weeks they decided that Italy was not what they needed right now, and they moved back to the states and sent all their furniture back and cancelled their kitchen. I have really missed them and the grandma-ing. Here is a picture of their youngest son, Mateo, helping us put together our furniture and at the same time helping the guys hook up our internet, which we still can't use because they haven't delivered the modem. :( )

Just before they left, we took them out to dinner to a place called, "The Wild Wild West". The food was good, but I thought you might get a kick out of their menu. Here is one page:

I had several LOL moments reading this menu. I had always pretty much assumed hamburgers were an American thing (Google it), but maybe not, since these guys felt they had to specify an "American Burger". The next one down is the "Cow Burger" which might seem redundant to you, but please remember that lots of Italians eat horse meat, too, so you might want to know for sure your hamburger is beef. They also eat pigeon soup, which I have not tried yet. Back to the menu... The "Caesar Burger" seems a logical way to snag those die hard Italian patriots. The "Country Burger" I am guessing is the opposite of the "Downtown Cow Burger". (I made that up) Last on this page is my favorite "No Meat Burger". This seems like a logical menu item for all those vegetarians out there, but hold your horses, Lone Ranger! The blurb says the burger is 100% vegetable protein from a recipe excusive to the old wild west. I don't know about you, but I haven't read about too many veggie burgers in the old wild west histories. Almer thinks that they meant the recipe is exclusive to that restaurant, but the name is different, so who knows. On another page, they also have a Toro Seduto (Sitting Bull) Burger and a two-person plate called the Grigliata Generale Custer. You might not want to order both of those at the same table or things could get really ugly. Anyway, the menu was tons of fun!

Ciao for now!

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